SU2C September 12 through 27 : SL concerts to benefit Stand Up to Cancer: Taken from Still Braveheart's blog, "Entering the Music Community's Benefit to Stand Up to Cancer we Start the the two weeks with a an amazing line up!!! Continued each day across the grid with over 39 venues participating. Combined with that are 179 different performers, 14 dj's, and 4 tribute bands. Put it all together and you have a huge community coming together to make a difference in a devastating disease"
Please do look at her blog for the full schedule of events and participating performers as it is quite extensive and you should find something fun to do associated with this event someplace most of your time if so desired. http://stillbraveheart.blogspot.co.uk/
The official RL fundraiser site is here: http://www.standup2cancer.org/

The 24 Event Sept 11-19: " Visit in sL here The 24 2015 is OPEN and brings you over 70 Featured Designers from around the grid with limited edition exclusives just for you! We have a little something for everyone from Menswear to Womenswear and even a little something for your Home" taken from Siren Productions blog that outlines photos and info on products, designers, etc. here: http://sirenproductionsl.com/the-24-2015-is-open/ with home page here: http://sirenproductionsl.com/
There are tons of events and if you are a shopper you won't want to miss this opportunity!

Allhallow's Showcase Festival Sept. 12-Oct. 31 : Ready to get you Halloween on? "This showcase festival shines on the creativity, imagination and beauty of 12 of Second Life’s most excellent fantasy creators. Each creator was asked to pick their favorite items to feature at the showcase. In addition they will offer a free hunt item." Visit here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rising%20Phoenix/128/128/23

Duran Duran album release party "Paper Gods" 9/12/15 1pm SLT. Visit here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Khanada/128/128/31
I was all set to blog this for today then saw Inara Pey did an excellent job of covering this and all things Duran Duran in SL so I am just going to draw your attention to blog where you can always find great info. here: http://modemworld.me/2015/09/12/strictly-light-pink-and-blue-with-duran-duran-in-second-life/
I've been to Duran Duran events many times and sometimes one or more of the RL band members will come in so let's hope for a celeb sighting! Be sure to try and wear some light pink or blue to this party. If you can't make the event today (people are already showing up in their pink and blue and it's 8am SLT-so bound to get full fast) hang on to the landmark because this is a very cool loaded sim to explore and enjoy too.

Windlight Gallery Opening Party Sept 12th at 2pm SLT featuring live performer Caasi Ansar and 12 artists. I've previously blogged this but wanted to get it into my lineup for today here. Visit here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Froien/128/128/22

Explore The Garden of Eden: If you like to explore and take pictures and see cool stuff the SL Destination Guide http://secondlife.com/destinations/editor added another new sim to its editor's picks section.
Visit The Garden of Eden in SL here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Costa%20Amore/128/128/40
I think this will soon be a popular spot for photographers and they have a Flickr photo contest going on right now too: https://www.flickr.com/groups/2898698@N23/

The 4th annual Hot Bay City Nights event starts Saturday 12th September through until Sunday 20th September 2015. The event will be happening over at the Bay City Fairgrounds visit in SL here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/North%20Channel/128/128/29
This is for a great cause too benefitting Child's Play for kids in hospitals.
See the HBCN official web site for more details: http://baycitypostsl.blogspot.com/2013/08/hot-bay-city-nights.html

And finally I just wanted to post the Whispering Sands Live Promotions events for today since there are so many no one will ever lack for something to do. Plus many of their performers are also contributing to SU2C today and this week which is such a good cause. http://wslpromo.net/
Bringing You the Best Live Entertainment!! Shows You do not want to miss!
Saturday, 12th September
11:00 am: Stickle Back at Eclipse Lounge
11:00 am: Vince Ruissatel at True Sayings
12:00 pm: TerryLynn Melody at Prim Economy
12:00 pm: Toxie at Eclipse Lounge
1:00 pm: PrettyBelle at Eclipse Lounge
1:00 pm: Vince Ruissatel at BS’s *SU2C Event*
2:00 pm: Marqs DeSade at Eclipse Lounge
3:00 pm: Toxie at Heartbeats Rock Club
3:00 pm: Lark Bowen at BS’s *SU2C Event*
4:00 pm: Keeba at Shay’s Rock House
4:00 pm: Parker Static at Jesterwood Bowl
4:00 pm: David Csiszer at Love Kat II
4:00 pm: Cryptic Harmony at BS’s *SU2C Event*
5:00 pm: Lee Winegarden at BS’s *SU2C Event*
5:00 pm: Vince Ruissatel at Club Zydeco
5:00 pm: AMForte at Eclipse Lounge
5:00 pm: Parker Static at Sextuary
6:00 pm: Bandit Eddingham at Acoustic Cave
6:00 pm: Keeba Tammas at Fantasy Gay Pride Festival
6:00 pm: Jackie Lefko at Love Kats II
7:00 pm: Toxie at Club Zydeco
7:00 pm: Cryptic Harmony at Hang Loose
7:00 pm: AMForte at Oakshire’s
7:00 pm: Parker Static at The Godfather’s
7:00 pm: David Csiszer at KEY WEST RESORT & MARINA
8:00 pm: Vince Ruissatel at Roadhouse Dreams
8:00 pm: Essence Bilasimo at Hang Loose
8:00 pm: PrettyBelle at Club Zydeco
8:00 pm: Lee Winegarden at VooDoo Lounge
9:00 pm: Dominoe Effect at VooDoo Lounge
Sunday, 13th September
11:00 am: Marqs DeSade at Bahamas
11:00 am: Lark Bowen at Eclipse Lounge
12:00 pm: SingerGirl Acoustic at Kennedy’s
1:00 pm: Keeba at Stand up 2Cancer
1:00 pm: Caasi Ansar at Kennedy’s
2:00 pm: Realsom at Coffee’s
4:00 pm: Quartz at The Palms at Music Revelations
4:00 pm: Balecry at CCW
4:00 pm: David Csiszer at Seaside Lounge
4:00 pm: Parker Static at Rooftop Club
6:00 pm: Bandit Eddingham at Panorama
8:00 pm: Bandit Eddingham at Roadhouse Dreams
8:00 pm: Parker Static at Daddys Babygirl Paradis

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