(Isabelle Mavendorf, Karin, Emma Portilo and myself)

Emery,events manager for The Grove, and Umberto Giano organized a special event "A Night To Remember" aboard the Titanic. This event coincided with the anniversary of the RL Titanic. Umberto's Flickr has all the details worth a read, because it really was a super impressive build and event. Check it out here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/umbertogiano/7078047425/in/photostream or direct link here:

(Umberto Host, organizer and Captain)

(Emery, Host, organizer and museum creator)
Emery Milneaux put together a very cool Titanic museum where guests landed and could browse and learn a bit about the Titanic before taking a random boarding pass that provided each guest a individual boarding pass replica of a real life individual that was aboard the RL ship. The pass provided the individuals' name, age, class and later we learned our individuals fate that night. The party was not specifically role play but guests were asked to dress for the era and night. And everyone complied and then some. Guests dressed in period for the event that just added even more to the ambiance. The amazing ship was donated for the event and will be on marketplace soon.

(Me, Kara, on the grand staircase trying to make a grand entrance)

(Samm Qendra-with a beautiful voice)

(Me and Emma Portilo)

(Belinda Barnes & Sonicity Fitzroy)
Once the party started many guests took seats on top deck to listen to some life music entertainment by Samm Qendra with a beautiful voice and songs to match the event, followed by dj Clark Bowenform, and dancing. About an hour into the event many or maybe even all of us "crashed" hard. I had a few friends on skype at the time and they had crashed and another friend I went with also crashed. I did tp back and many people were there dancing. My friend Emma also went back and we took a few more photos as there was less lag then. Later we went to another Titanic event and both ended up under the water at the same time.. so we figured that was our second sinking or crash of the night and just called it a night and went our separate ways. Ironically both our boarding pass identities did not survive the Titanic. But it sure was a fun and interesting evening. Check out the party pics and you can tell how great it was. Unfortunately the museum and Titanic are no longer in place, so it will have to be on of those ... nights to remember.

(Dar and Toni)

(Emma and I went down with the ship... but we looked good. I'm wearing a pink Donna Flora dress and jewelry in case anyone cares)
I checked out this web site for 1912 Titanic fashion to see the style and I think the clothes are pretty cool so have a look if interested : http://madameguillotine.org.uk/2011/03/18/titanic-fashion-1912/ or direct link here:
1912TitanicFashionsHere. Emma actually found a dress inworld designed just like Rose's dress from the Titanic movie)