High Water, visit here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/High%20Water/128/128/21
I've been hanging out in this sim for a week or so now, and continue to find little things I missed on prior visitis because it's loaded with stuff I love. I met the sim owner, Morton Funk, who said it's been there for a few months but just starting to pick up in traffic. I suggested he recommend it to the SL Destination guide as it's very worthy of editor's picks in my opinion. At first glance it appears to be a water sim filled with various fall trees with some fantasy/art foliage mixed in and various artsy seating, poses, cuddles spots with a variety of vignettes of various type. There are Flickr pictures enlarged and in the water, dance mats and a glass dance floor in the sky, horses you can ride or watch gallop across the sim, a glass house that is pretty cool with a bed that has many options for being in a glass house in a public sim, just saying. Oh, and the sim is rated Moderate. The owner didn't put a lot in the sim description, simply, "not another art collection" and his profile is not overflowing so I was expecting little reaction to my greeting or at least a man of few words, but he was very friendly, agreeable to my taking his picture and blogging the sim, and indicated he'd leave the sim up for the public /visitors to enjoy for a while. So head on over and take some close looks.. the longer I stay the more I see and have simply become enchanted by it all.

(sim owner and myself above)

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