Sunday, September 6, 2015

Lobby Cam Party in the Wheat Fields with Bryn Oh

Bryn Oh hosted a great party Saturday 9-5 over in Immersiva and Lobby Cam, her most recent build that is a must see immersive artsy, gamey, explorable good time that I've previously blogged here:

Bryn Oh party at Immersiva

Bryn blogged about the party and included her song play list.  Since it's rare to have an event party at Immersiva which is a highly popular immersive art sim that carries a good crowd at openings and a steady stream otherwise already, I made sure I was there for this special treat.  You can see her post with music here:

Lobby Cam Fields here:

Lobby cam will be open for some time yet but be sure to get on over for your chance before Bryn starts making (or putting in) something new for us to enjoy.  She reset the typically sunny rural wheat field area sim lights to a sort of bluish foggy haze that seemed to represent the coming fall season.  She's a master of setting the ambiance and picking the best windlights, and it looked very cool.  I took a few pictures in daylight lighting for comparison but the sim set windlight seemed to work for me along with the somewhat unique personally selected song play list Bryn picked out and DJ'd by John (Johannes1977).  It became a sort of star studded party with many high profile people such as Ux Hax (MetaLES), Will Burns/Aeonix (Synthetic Environment Specialist, AKA: Techy CB),  (Inara Pey (blogger and much more) Emma Portillo (Events Coordinator, blogger, etc.) Saoirseheart More (blogger, writer, podcaster)  Josie Anderton (SL Live Musician)  Bixyl Shuftan (SL Newser Editor) George Downes, Glitter Princess Destiny, Gem Sunkiller, and many many more to the extent the sim was full shortly after the party started then with some coming and going through the sets as they could. Bryn Oh party at Immersiva Bryn Oh party at Immersiva Bryn Oh party at Immersiva Bryn Oh party at Immersiva Bryn Oh party at Immersiva

1 comment:

  1. It was a great party and the music eerily felt like what it must be to be Bryn Oh when creating!
