When I was at an event talking with a fellow Flickrite and SL fashion blogger she mentioned she is kind of burned out on blogging fashion as it seems all the avatars/models are starting to look the same. Now I know the models work very hard to create a unique and attractive look and style themselves so this doesn't happen, but it reminded me to blog about something I participated in not long ago that exhibits the uniqueness of avatars.
A few weeks or more ago I visited Gracie to have my photo taken front and back for her 1,000 Avatar project. The idea again is about identity. I was to to dress and pose however I want for my SL avatar picture, and so I was a fairy with one of my fairy poses. The wait was a line of only a couple of people, but I hear Gracie has been very busy lately and is nearing her goal and may even go beyond. A wonderful variety of avatars are exhibited. Head on over to Gracie's to have your place in this project. She has set times she photographs so you might want to stop in and grab a note card from her place for details. Here is an excerpt from her note card about the project:
"****Dedicated to Delinda Dyrssen who passed away much too soon!!!!!****
Come celebrate your ‘fabulousness!’
I would love for you to be part of my project on online identity/anonymity.
... come on by and hang out, chat and be part of my project. I have over 905 portraits so far of some of the most amazing people I know.
My goal is at least 1000.
IM Gracie Kendal
“We are all beautiful. We are all fabulous” – An Interview With Gracie Kendal by Lacewing Mesmeriser
"You, too, can be a Usual Suspect" by Lou Netizen
"Batting 1000 Avatars" by Harpers Ganesvoort
"Gracie Kendal's 1000 Avatar project" by Senban Babii
"1000 Avatars, an installation in Second Life" by Jenn Frank
Visiting The 1000 Avatars Project by Daniel Voyager
If you want to keep up on where this project is going, where I'll be showing it in SL and what I'll be doing with it in RL. Please click on the Kiosk at my studio and join my mailing list :))
Thank you to everyone for your amazing support!!!
If you would like to be part of this project, please IM me inworld- Gracie Kendal... I’d love to shoot ya!!”
My First installation of the 1000 Avatars project is now on view at Pirats Art Gallery at Omega."
And that in part is her release about the project and public invite for SL avatars to be included. Check it out.
Direct Link to see her project at the current work area here: 1000AvHere.
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