My fellow blogger friend Apmel provided me with additional information on this 3 day event for good causes. The press release information contains the following:
"IMAGINE PeaceFest 2011!!!
Heads. Hearts. Hands
Festival 11-13 November 2011
You're Invited!
IMAGINE PeaceFest is about people working together across international boundaries, using virtual and real-world venues to promote the amazing work of real-world organizations. We work together for a better world, with a focus on peace, human rights and justice for all.
(More than) A "Peace" of Art Auction!
Silent bids accepted 24/7, Tuesday November 1st until Monday, November 14th
Friday November 11
-11-12pm: Opening Ceremonies at RAWA, Four Bridges
-12 – 1pm: Museum of Afghanistan Tour, Four Bridges��
-1 – 2pm: Kueperpunk Kohonen, Comedy Cats Circus
-2 – 3pm: Reis and Ald Alter, Cat’s Circus
-5 – 6pm: Ga Go Gigamon! 7 Member Japanese band, Gwampa’s Castle
-6 – 8pm: Unity Productions Imagine World Peace!
Saturday November 12
-7 – 8am: Direct Democracy Workshop, Four Bridges N
-8 – 9am: Universe is a Green Dragon, Imagine nest, Four Bridges
-9 – 10am: Art Exhibition with DJ Gary Kohime! New Caerleon
-10 – 11am: Art Exhibition with DJ Gary Kohime! New Caerleon
-11 – 12pm: Russell Eponym, Peace is a Choice
-12 – 1pm: Blues Heron, Peace is a Choice
-1pm Metaverse Art RL exhibition
(NOTE: although on the same sim, the LM's are different)
-1.10pm The MANAX story
-1.30pm Emoticon
-2pm SL TLC
-2.45pm New VJazz Show
-3 – 4pm: IMAGINE PeaceFest Interview with Sandra Bérard of Cambodia READA w/ Peace Train’s Steve Mahaley
-5 –9pm: Key West 4 hours of music
Max Kleene 5pm>Avantgarde Frequency 6pm
Gina Stella 7pm>Acousticenergy Nitely 8pm
-9 – 10pm: Tour of RAWA Museum of Afghanistan
-10 – 11pm: Mankind Tracer, Rock Garden stage, Four Bridges
Sunday November 13
-6 – 8am: Discussion with Dr. Andrew, SpeakEasy, Four Bridges
-8 – 10am: A World Dance Party with images and art from around the world at Daft House Den and Carnival
-11 – 12pm: Poetry – open mic
-12 – 1pm: Pol Arida, singer / songwriter, and artwork by Second Renoir & Trill Zapatero, Solace Island
-1 – 2pm: DRUM! Solace Island
-1 – 2pm: RAWA Boho Hobo Fashion Show
-2pm-3pm: Jana Kyomoon, The music ALL music Peace Park
~||| 2pm-4pm Real Life event - Old Dominon University hosts IMAGINE PeaceFest Spoken Word night. Location: House of Blues at the Webb Center. Featuring:
Nita Hurt>Poetikk Justice>Neisha Purvis
Cassandra IsFree
Members from the Flowetic Movement Poetry Group |||~
-3pm- 4pm: Talk by Delia Lake
at Virtually Speaking
-4pm-6pm: More than a Peace of Art Auction
-6 – 7pm: Virtually Speaking Sundays with Avedon Carol and Sam Seder
-7 – 8pm: Louis Volare
-8 – 9pm: Cylindrian
Questions? Contact in world:
Cotton Thorne, junivers Stockholm, Medora Chevalier, Tonks Akina
As in years past with PeaceFest, all donations will go to three non-profit organizations that the team has selected:
- The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA);
RAWA works to address human rights abuses against women in Afghanistan, and have been doing so since the 1970's. This is a well-established organization that was established by women to tell the difficult, brutal stories of abuses, and to work for political and social change. More about RAWA:
- The Rural Economic and Agricultural Development Agency (READA) in Cambodia; This group of 15 people are working to address the needs of the poorest people in rural Cambodia. Education, sustainable farming techniques, hygiene and methods to secure clean water are all part of their effort to empower people to escape poverty. More about READA:
- the One Laptop per Child initiative, providing key hardware and software to provide education to those who need it most! Their mission is to empower the world's poorest children through education, and they have a very interesting program of providing low-cost, low-power laptops with learning games and content to communities around the world. More about One Laptop per Child:
This event is brought to you by The IMAGINE Network and the Peace Train Charitable Trust (a 501 c 3 public charity in the U.S.)
The Peace Train Charitable Trust
The IMAGINE Network
The Schedule is here! And you can always read more about our work at the URLs above. Bloggers are encouraged to copy the schedule at this URL:"
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