I found another cool sim to visit and the residents were very friendly. Mystico is a fantasy role play type sim perfect for me playing elf or fairy and taking photos, as it is very beautiful and interesting. This quaint little village is nestled in a fjord surrounded by beautiful mountains. Romantic music plays while the ambient sounds of cooing doves and earthy sounds fill the forest atmosphere. There are many dance places and pose balls and interesting sites to see. The sim owner is Giuliano Straaf and I met the ambassador, Blutsaeger Resident. I also met P3terP4N Resident who resides there and has a colorful history. He was very kind and helpful and posed for some photos with me. The SL destination guide says this about the sim, "Enter Mystico Ville, a fantasy RPG village populated with colorful characters and big adventures". There are so many beautiful places in this sim.. and just before I left I found even more places in the sky to visit.
(P3terP4N Resident)
(Blutsaeger Resident)
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