Whistle Stop, is a quaint rural town complete with a rusty old train, old time jail that includes some fun couples pose balls and a poker table you can really play at, a very sweet string-light surrounded outdoor country dance floor, a cute bar with pose balls, intan, poseable pool table, player piano and various other things to play on, and a whole town of little buildings to explore in this small town of population "2" that must have been me and my SL partner who went there for a very sweet dance time. I read the bar is a lesbian hang out, but the place was deserted when we visited so my guy friend and I enjoyed ourselves. Check it out here: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Whistlestop/136/94/22 or direct link here: WhistlestopHere.
Fuschia's Gallery features a subway experience with some grungy bathrooms (of course you can pose and play), the most awesome teleportation system I have yet to experience in SL, a cool subway train with couples poses and art by Fuschia Nightfire and Anje Aichi lining the subway walls, along with their wearable art store, an extra circular exhibit for larger works and the outdoor white area complete with pose vehicle, dance machine and interesting skyline. Check it out here: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Osprey%20Bay/207/184/1071 or direct link here: FuschiasHere.
Beyond Darkness and Legacies are two neighboring sims that run into each other. Steampunkish.. dark Victorian role play areas. The huge city is impressively detailed with many dirigibles in the air along with some extra creepy spots in the sky that I had to take photos of they were so cool. You'll have to just check this place out for yourselves for the experience. I could get lost in there a very long time.
Visit here: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Beyond%20Darkness/92/80/31 or direct link here: BeyondDarknessHere.
or here: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Isle%20of%20Legacies/131/83/31 or direct link here: LegaciesHere.
Milvus has been around for a while, but they keep changing it and I head back for more and more amazing interactive, photographic beauty. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Milvus/128/128/21or direct link here: MilvusHere.
Voc Linda is another of the most beautiful sims that has so many impressive lighted areas that are great for photos and playing around in.
check it out here: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Voc%20%20linda/230/69/23 or direct link here: VocLindaHere.
And finally Insilico again... it's always been the premier cyber sim. I have been there many times and am pretty sure I have not seen it all yet and when I think I might have they add or change something. This is another one I really can't describe to do it justice.. just go. Note, the shops are also out of this world. Check it out here: (well I'm at work so will have to get the SLurl later or search it now)
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