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I met up with Lothar Leborski, an art instructor, who explained this exhibit is affiliated with Cal State Long Beach, CA. This is the "virtual campus". The exhibit will be set up Sunday and Monday, students have in-class presentations Tuesday morning then the actual SL exhibit opening will be Tuesday May 3rd running through the following Sunday. The idea of the exhibit is that the students choose the artists, name a gallery after them, then they do a presentation on them and after that, they will exhibit their own work in these galleries.
Lothor said, "This is just our 2nd semester doing this so we feel like we've come a long way, but we also have a lot of ideas for doing better work next fall. The students work on the galleries on a platform over our heads at 500 meters. They can be different things... but typically photo-ish. In our lecture room they give 2 presentations... 1st half of the semester they present the artist, and then in the 2nd half they present the gallery they've created. It's an introduction to the Visual Arts course... so we do everything from the Chauvet Cave... to Bryn Oh..., Painting, Virtual, all of it. Instead of lecture format, we try to make it an active experience. The content comes largely from student presentations on a wide range of artists." He added, "We've just had this island for a year... and just a couple weeks ago we got our first "real" lab space on campus... so things are coming along for us. I really like the SL environment for turning "art appreciation" into an active learning experience. The TA's and I very much believe that it's a way to engage them on a much more powerful level."
I am very glad to see more students receiving this kind of experience. This should be a interesting exhibit, so be sure to check it out.
Here is a link to their Wikki;
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