Whooohooo, it's finally time for the Crazy Arse Hair Hunt 2. I have been looking forward to this ever since I saw all the crazy cool free hair friends got in the last one. The hunt begins today July 15 and runs through August 15, 2010. The theme of the hunt is "Monster Hair" and it's not about "real" hair, but it's about what has been created and about fun hair that turns heads. There is a Flickr group too. I ran out to The U-Neek and found my first one (there are a few there) and put it on for a pic here. The googly eyes move! Look for a green and red textured gummi bear. There is no real order and no group to join.
The stores involved are: Ripe, Vanity Hair, BC322 Skull&Bones, DarkerSide, Dreams, 3636, DNR, griddie, NVM NeVerMind, Curious Kitties, Hate This, Alli&Alli Designs, allusions, Aqua, BattleAngel, Bizarre Hair, BoomBoom POW, Burning Chrome, ChiChickie!, Cilian'gel Boutique, Concrete Flowers, Couture chapeau, Crimson + Clover in Space!, Death Hunger, Discord Designs, Eclectism, FaerieMagic, Ganked, Grim Bros, HeltEr SkElTeR Mainstore, Jester j's Joyful Jokes, La Boheme, Lillipop Z, M&K, Miasnow, NDN, Nushru, Omega Point, Philotic Energy, Psyberia, Rainy Day Prims Shop, Rotten Toe, Skinthesis, Soap, Stuff & Thingees, Tekeli-li, The U-Neek, Thea Tamura Fashion, thick, Tiger Tower, W.Winx Mainstore, & Tea Lane-hope I didn't miss any.
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