This promises to be a great weekend explore as I found it in editor's picks in the SL Destination guide which happens to be a great place to find fun explores, major events, or something specific you might be seeking in SL here:

I stopped in this beautiful and magical sim and was immediately impressed with a wide cam out to a castle (ice keep of Niphus) flanked by a giant Warrior Valkyrie Statue that is actually one entrance to Niphus. There are dragons on the roof you can ride and they can battle with firing flames and health meters. There is also a jousting arena, underwater tunnels and city, (tunnels are great) Old arena, marketplace, Nipus, and the caves, as well as cool landscaping such as large boats and light house besides. There are a lot of helpful click and climb ladders, zipline, etc. too. Inside Nipus there are dungeons, treasure chambers, a Game of Thrones chair room, etc, but unfortunately the only draw-back to the sim I can see is that the castle is not fully furnished (although it's huge and the places that are furnished are done well and with great animations) because as it's stated in the notecard they ran out of prim. I didn't do a good job of getting pics of the tunnels, underwater areas, inside rooms, marketplace tec.. but go explore and see yourself, it's cool. One can travel via boats and dragons from area to area or swim and fly. Be aware this is an adult sim and nudity and sex is allowed so child avatars are not. Be sure to take the info. and check the map when you land to decide where you want to visit first and how you'd like to travel and more about the sim. There are few rules, but some nonetheless.
The story begins.... ""Winter came with draught and suffering. Lords of the north had very little choice but to retreat. So did the lord of Galanthus. A land so fertile and green. People so brave and loyal. Will so strong. But…. Winter came to Galanthus as much as it came to all.
Lord of Galanthus retreated to his ice keep of Niphus with the remaining people of his lordship.
There he hoped to return one day stronger.
Built 2000 years before his time the mighty keep of Niphus is beautiful but old. İts tunnels are deep and mysterious. The ancient arena is still with blood and the few remaining knights still honour their lord with their lance in tournaments"".

Was banned for walking around (in proper attire) with a friend (also in proper attire) with NO ONE ELSE IN THE ENTIRE SIM. There was no warning, nothing at all. We didnt sit on beds and ruffle feathers - we walked around and tried the riding dragons and then were not allowed to return. This after giving the landmark to friends to suggest they check it out. WOW. I contacted those friends and let them know that for a place with few rules - they sure do impose a stiff penalty for breaking an UNPOSTED rule (still dont know what we did causing the ban).