This month March 2013 marks the month I was featured in the BOSL magazine. Writer Sonicity Fitzroy has been featuring SL machinimists for about a year now in the publication and this month I was honored to be featured as the Social Machinimist for her article. So I must brag and show off here of course. Everyone knows I'm not the greatest at this around or even in their league but I do a lot, have fun, often make them for others or to archive something, and include others a lot, so I'll take the article and rejoice in it. Soni is an amazing writer both in SL for a variety of publications and is a published author RL with numerous publications on a variety of subjects, most notably in SL for her 2 books "Second Life Media and the Other Society", and also "Machinima: The Art and Practice" ( So she made me look good and Morgana Nagorski, artists, photographer, gallery owner ( and took some great pics to go along with some clips from a few of my machinima for the article. Please have a look starting at page 128 here: This is such a well put together monthly SL magazine that I hope everyone is very familiar with it. It can be easily read online at that site or via hard copies inworld. If anyone would like a hard copy inworld just let me know and I will pass you one. BOSL also has kiosks all over the grid to vend these free monthly publications. They cover fashion, events, art, sims, well just about anything in SL that has public interest. Check it out.. and now a few snips from the magazine here:

(Check out the site for more pics)
The article author Sonicity below (I took this shot)
And then I located a pic of myself also in the society page collage (pic by Kato Salyut) which is pretty cool.. .. see if you can find me, yourself, or others you know (yeah that's KT down there in the rust colored gown by the N in News)
congrats Kara! :)
Ty Carmichael.. I am very honored