Strawberry Signh seems to be on a roll with these weekly Monday Memes and I'm trying to keep up, but I've been very RL busy lately, so I'm a day behind on this one. This weeks meme is about social media, something most bloggers can really relate to. Here I go:
What was the first social network you joined using your SL Avatar?
Flickr in May 2009.
Which social networks are you currently on using your SL Avatar?
Second Life Profile
Association of Virtual Worlds
Second Friends
There are probabaly more that I can't think of right now.
Which network is your favorite?
Flickr hands down. I really love to see everyone's SL pictures there and I've made some great SL friends through there.
Which network is your least favorite?
Plurk.. haven't gotten into it yet or whatever. I don't really get it.
Which network do you have the most amount of connections?
Facebook 2,402. And I am not into FB that much either. I friended about 15 friends I know initially when I went in and now it's just escalated from there with requests from others.
How/Where do you usually read/use most of your networks?
Home, after work, on the couch, laptop. I used to love to get into Flickr on work breaks/lunch, but they block it now. I just need to get it on my phone, but I've been lazy about that since I'm really there to work and don't need to be even more distracted.
What are your favorite social networking apps? (if applicable)
'Haven't done that yet but plan to.
What do you like most about social networking sites?
I'm nosey and curious by nature......'helps feed that.
What do you like least about social networking sites?
Some of the stressful controversial posts make me a little nervous, especially when the trolls surface. My blog is more of a cheer leading blog in that I blog what I like and cheer on everyone in their great products, builds, etc. Once in a blue moon I'll let out a rant, but it's rare.
Do you feel social networks are a good way to promote you/your brand/your work?
Yes, but I also am not thrilled with people who over advertise their things on social networks. Spam. Bleh. I want to see and know things but not like 400 times on the same site. Way too self serving.
What is your main reason for using Social Networks?
Mostly for the fun of seeing what everyone is up to and what I can then get up to. I like to share the fun too and they are good for that.
It's official, you are on more social networks than I am! LOL I stalked you where I could. :P Thanks for participating! <3