Recently I moved to a new location in SL and was having a very hard time getting motivated making it feel like home. My heart was not in it so I decided treating myself to a new house might help. Having numerous houses in my inventory already, I thought I'd try to find a higher quality dwelling this time. I was getting a little tired of having my furniture items sometimes looking like they were disappearing outside through my walls, trees suddenly appearing inside, curtains going transparent, crooked walls, perspectives being "off" (think giant size doors, counters or bathtubs), or like in my last rental the doors kept flying open and shut as though possessed.
Thanks to my RL/SL sis Piper, I found a cute land parcel to buy, and off I went with my good exploring buddy Cafi in search of a "quality" home. Keep in mind I have been on this hunt several times before. Several hours later and with about 20 new demos and more than 50 home views later a friend suggested I check out the homes and furniture by Pamela Galli. The second I landed in La Galleria I knew I had found a home. Other friends had suggested "The Loft" (nice, but way to big), contracting for a build, and various other home sales landmarks, but this is the only place that even came close to fitting my bill. Granted everyone has different needs and desires in a home which I understand and although I was not looking for a specific style necessarily, I really was after quality. La Galleria homes are mostly cottaged style ranging from what I would call "large" to "too large for me" in size, although are modifiable and with parts that detach as well. I think in the end I chose the smallest of the offerings and still it is a bit large for a single inhabitant on a small lot. The one I chose is very homey with gorgeous hardwood flooring, crown molding and style throughout. I did detach the pool in lieu of yard space I want and I left out some of the many extras that came with it, such as ceiling fans, some shutters and extra curtains, etc., to save on prim. The houses are a bit primmy for me, but mine checks in under 200 prim that is well worth it to me as it is full of class and style and has a lot to offer for the value, plus no weird disappearing walls, strange doors or other oddities. In other words I love it.
La Galleria also offers a wide range of home, kitchen, dining, living rooms, bedrooms, curtains, rugs, outdoor, vases and lamps, garden center and office/study furnishings, some of which come with a discount when a home is purchased. The furniture is classy with some very impressive features such as the dining tables that offer full course meals with food choice options. It's like magic to me. Visit just for fun or to add some style to your home. Check it out at a direct link here: LaGalleriaHere.
Speaking of homes, I'll add a direct link here to one of my favorite SL haunted houses. I visited this same build last Halloween and was happy to see it again this year. Be sure to see all the interactive cool things upstairs too where you will find a "trapdoor", giant spider, creepy kids room and it's loaded with much to see and do. Direct link enjoy here: HauntedHouseHere.
My friend Divi got into the house hunt spirit with me as well and gave me a tour of an interesting build called "Crooked House" at xyz which is an ever changing stacked cube home filled with magic doors and hatches leading... or rather... misleading visitors up, down, and all around until you are more confused than an Escher picture. Be careful not to fall out of the bottom or maybe that was the top. Check it out here: xyzCrookedHouseHere.
Cafi also showed me the Frank Lloyed Wright Museum sim that includes examples of some interesting homes. There are plenty of homes to see and Cafi explained I could visit the RL homes as replicated for us in SL. I noted the Frank Lloyd Wright sim is also holding it's annual Fall FLW inspired build off Sept 24-26 with many events and entry spots in novice to pro divisions. Check it out here: FrankLloydWrightHere.
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