My good friends from my old Flickr days and the art world, Burk Bode and Maloe, are having an art exhibit opening party tomorrow/Friday. Burk has put together an exhibit in DiXmiX Gallery. Here's the invite info.:
"Burk about Shameless :
This is the exhibition I always wanted to make. Living out my exhibitionism and giving you all the chance of being a peeping tom for a while. Come, look and have fun.
"featuring Maloe and ..."
opening party Friday February 2nd * 12 pm SLT
Dj set : Aida"
Unfortunately I won't be able to be at the opening party since it's during my usual work time, however for all you who are free, this should be a fun party. I used to be able to hit some of these openings and it was always a good time with great people and some awesome art. Burk and Maloe have been creating wonderful creative art in SL ever since I've known them, which has been over 8 years. They are well known to the SL art community and are a super sweet couple. They are always open to helping out old friends and I've actually had some of their art in a couple of my past galleries. True talent here.
This time Burk's images are adult rated, so during my sneak peek, when taking pics, I cropped out some "things" ~cough~ for this blog teaser. There are some other very interesting ones but I couldn't even figure out how to get SFW pics of, that you'll want to see. If you want to see it ALL, head on over to the gallery. The images are very creative and of course the quality of the work is clear. The subject matter will conjure up a few fantasies .. or maybe it's reality for some of y'all. Anyway ;) enjoy.

While there I ran into the DiXmiX Gallery owner, Dixmix Source. He was kind enough to offer me the sneak peek for the blog post. The gallery has been around for a long time and I've visited before but for those of you who have an old landmark do use the current one as this gallery has been in it's current location about a year and a half. DiXmiX is French but speaks English and he gave me permission to blog about the gallery and take a pic of him. I'm sure many in the art community are friends with him. He has various rooms to the large gallery area and I looked around at some of the other exhibits that were cool too. They have a nice party room set up ready for dj Aida and visitors tomorrow. DiXmiX is a Belgian artist, photographer, director, musician and more. He's been the owner of the gallery since 2008. He has his own Flickr here:
(Dixmix at the gallery below)

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