Pillow Talk in the Equinox Theater and Lonestar Club
Web site here: https://www.homeofthelonestar.com/events
Their Facebook link here: https://www.facebook.com/The-Lonestar-1328328543956352/
Gary (allen.alcott), an old friend of mine, tp'd me to the Benevolence sim his partner Jen owns He owns and operates the Lonestar club on the sim and Leona is the estate manager and runs the Weddings by Leona wedding business. The sim also has shopping, a restaurant, Latitude Landings, a cool central partk, game room in the club, there are getaway and honeymoon private suites for rent, and the sim hots a lot of events.

Some of the regular sim events include:
-Sundays: movies in the park: Sundays at 12pm SLT and this week it's Despicable me 3
- Mondays: from 6-9pm SLT they have inventory cleaning social
-Daily: Lonestar club DJs from 10am to 10pm daily.
-Saturdays: Pillow Talk show 8-9 pm SLT. The reason I went to the sim was for their Saturday night "Pillow Talk" talk show in the Equinox Theater. This weeks topic was Fetishes in Second Life.
The Pillow Talk show is hosted by Oo Ursula Oo--ooursulaoo, also co-hosted this week by Jen Sunshine.spicoli. The shows are live with some attendee participation for QA/discussion. The show is done in voice by the host and voice or text by any audience member who wishes to chime in. The shows are taped and later put up on Youtube so you can watch past shows there.
Ursula's profile provides the following info. about the show:
"I am the Host of the New “Pillow Talk with Ursula” live in-world show. We will cover your burning questions about dating, relationships and….sex of course. We go live on Saturdays 8pm-9pm SLT. This show is not for the faint of heart as our topics may veer off into the raunchy side. We encourage audience participation during our live shows and who knows, you may just end up being featured on one of our forthcoming webisodes!"
Have a question? Suggestion for a topic? I love feedback and suggestions....so don't be shy. I'm not"
"I am the Host of the New “Pillow Talk with Ursula” live in-world show. We will cover your burning questions about dating, relationships and….sex of course. We go live on Saturdays 8pm-9pm SLT. This show is not for the faint of heart as our topics may veer off into the raunchy side. We encourage audience participation during our live shows and who knows, you may just end up being featured on one of our forthcoming webisodes!"
Have a question? Suggestion for a topic? I love feedback and suggestions....so don't be shy. I'm not"
The show was actually very interesting and focused on things specific to SL. Ursula spoke candidly regarding foot fetish, adult nursing relationships and lactation, diaper fetish, crossing into rubber/latex/feeling and sensation and also dolcette -cannibalism, snuff, crucifixion. Due to audience comments they also touched on incest, RP child avatars, animals, BDSM, and scat among others. Obviously in one hour there was not enough time to cover it all, but that just leaves them topics for future shows and they even talked about future filed trips. After the show we ran over to the club on the sim for a little dancing and some attendees played some games. I rode the mechanical bull LOL. There is plenty to do here so check them out.
I took a few pics:

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