Celebrity Auction for Live and Learn in Kenya's Feed-a-Smile Program
MadPea Productions is hosting a celebrity auction in support of Live and Learn in Kenya's Feed-a-Smile program. Held on Sunday, February 23, from 8AM to 6PM SLT, there will be a professional emcee and live entertainment.
The goal of the Feed-a-Smile program is to raise funds to feed children in Kenya. There are 400 children in the program who are fed daily. All 100% of donations are transferred directly to Kenya to care for the children, provide education, medicine, food, shelter, and foster care. Visit for more information.
So I got a scoop on my buddy Aeonix's MadPea auction info. He will be a good one to bid on now that he's single and lots of fun. I've interviewed him here before so if you want a LOT of info. check it out here: He gave permission for me to post this pic he took and his auction info. check it out and be sure to bid on him.. ...all for a good cause and a great date or fun time.
Hosted by MadPea Productions
Your name:
Aeonix Aeon | Will Burns
What is your special skill set (what are you known for in SL):
I'm a synthetic environment subject matter expert who has graced such shows in Second Life as Metaverse Week in Review, Spotlight TV with Scorpinosis Nightfire, Friday Night Talk Show and a two time winner on Pooky Amsterdam's "The 1st Question". I've been interviewed for magazines in-world such as Maniera, and by such wonderful folks as Kara Trapdoor, Scorpinosis Nightfire and Mal Burns. During my tenure as VP of Operations for Pulse Point Media, I helped oversee the design and work resulting in the Loyola Marymount University Psychology Island here in Second Life.
Tell us a little about yourself:
As the Vice Chair for IEEE Virtual World Standard group, and co-author of the Association for Computing Machinery research paper "3D Virtual worlds and the metaverse: Current status and future possibilities", I've spent the past twenty years in the industry in and out of various virtual environments. I'm an avid reader, and a bit of an audiophile who loves classic rock. My general interests are in the Arts and Music, of which I'm a fan of various artists in-world such as Bryn Oh, and music artists such as Mandoaa Dragonash.
In my spare time, I design accurate replicas of classic arcade machines in Second Life for private collectors, and in real life I work with various academic, military and aerospace interests on virtual worlds and augmented reality related systems. Currently I am a design lead in-world for the eureka! content discovery system under development with Jon Dragoone, and consulting for a new type of immersive ASMR video series on Youtube with Dmitri of MassageASMR in Australia.
How would you spend your time with the winner of your celebrity auction (for example: give a building demonstration, attend a concert)?
I'm open for attending a concert, visiting an art exhibit, or just hanging out and having a wonderful time in conversation. Maybe all of the above if there is time :) I'm open to suggestions, though I don't do commercial endorsements or porn (let's keep it clean). If you're interested in getting to know me better or are interested in the lush and wonderful history of virtual environments, then let's help feed all the children we can and keep those bids high :)
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