Get out your calendars as it's almost time again for the annual "Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education" conference to be held March 17, 18 and 19, 2011.
This year's theme is "You Are Here" and per the web site: "The Virtual Worlds Best Practice in Education (VWBPE) is a community-based conference that provides opportunities for participants in all virtual worlds to share current teaching, learning, and research practices in 3D virtual environments. Conference presentations focus on teaching/learning, scholarly work, projects, events, activities and new and innovative tools for virtual education. Presenters will focus on the identification of best practices in education designed for 3D virtual world technology."
Attendance is free to all and you can go to the official web site for more information or to register, although registration is not required for attendees. "The VWBPE Executive Committee is pleased to announce that Botgirl Questi has agreed to be the opening keynote for the “You are Here” themed 2011 Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education conference. The title of the keynote is “Who Are You? Where is Here?”"
Attendee schedule with detailed presenter schedule and locations to be announced:
Thursday March 17th
■VWBPE Gateway Sim opens to the public at 12 midnight
■2pm Opening Ceremonies
■3pm – Midnight: General Sessions
Friday March 18th
■ALL DAY: General Sessions
Saturday March 19th
■Midnight – 4pm: General Sessions
■4pm: Awards Ceremonies
■5pm: Closing
■6pm: After-Party
I have a special interest in that my friends Sonicity Fitzroy and Lowe Runo are presenting Friday March 18th at 2pm SLT: The Fantastic and The Furious: Capturing Moments Through Machinima. Be sure to check them out.
Flickr contact and VWBPE supporter, CallieDel Boa, has this poster on her site so I just nabbed it as a good visual for my blog. The main link for the VWBPE can be found here: or direct link here: VWBPEHere.
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