Flickr Gettr v4 - 2011
Ok, this was very cool and I played with something like it at SL Burning Life 2 years ago, but this one won't completely work with Phoenix viewer and so I had a fellow visitor put my name in the search box to pull up my Flickr pics that have been tagged with my name so that I could take pictures of my Flickr pictures floating around me. The idea is to search any word you like and then Flickr pics with that tagged name will pop up and surround you. This is a fun thing to see and try.. check it out! direct link here: IDIAFlckrGtrHere.
While there blogging this I met one of the makers, Mencius Watts, who confirmed that at this time Phoenix does not support this project, but the pictures can still be viewed using Phoenix. I checked his profile for the following info. "
Virtual World/Social Media Mashup: Flickr Gettr v4 IDIA's Flickr Gettr connects the social image repository of Flickr to Virtual Worlds and mobile devices. through an interactive 3D and sonic experience - immersing the viewer in a dimensional cloud of user searched imagery.
Exhibitions for the Institute of Digital Intermedia Arts {IDIA Lab] at Ball State University"
AM Radio also showed up so I took a few more pics : )
The mobile version will be available after an upcoming announcement. In that version visitors interact with any web enabled mobile device such as an iPhone or Android to control what appears in Second Life.
Media must be enabled. All sound faders should be up - especially voice
Shared Media Plugin Compatible Viewer: LL Viewer 2.5 and higher
The sim note card in parts states:
"THE INSTITUTE FOR DIGITAL INTERMEDIA ARTS at Ball State University is a virtual design studio exploring the intersections between art, science and technology. Research projects investigate virtual reality, interactive installation, hybrid design, simulation and human computer interface. IDIA Lab is funded by Eli Lilly Endowment, Inc. Artists, designers, researchers, and students, engage with international partners through this project-based learning center investigating the forefront of discourse in emergent media design."
Draxtor did a video:
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