December 1st brought in the most recent Spilt Screen installation. Be sure to be on the latest LL viewer, Firestorm, or some other mesh enabled viewer to see as intended.
Last night I ran over to Split Screen to chat with Dividni Shostakovich, the curator/owner who gave me a sneek peek, and I fist stepped into Artistide Despres', "Let These Facts Be Known". I was like, "Divi, what is this, some kind of political statement or something?" I think he blandly said, "Something like, yes". He's really pretty patient with me. Well no doubt about it after I completely rezzed it on my newly installed "Firestorm Viewer". I heard shouts of a peaceful protest, police riots, all kids of protesting in fact. And the words around the picketer sculpt were clearly a statement about government. My photos can't do it justice, as the buildings around this are very cool as well and just need to be experienced. This is an awesome build that really should be visited and Divi blogged it saying, " The title is taken from the Declaration of the Occupation of New York City, which presents a list of 23 realities of political and economic life in the US and often paralleled elsewhere, ranging from the foreclosure crisis to bailouts to the commodification of privacy to torture and more." He provides a great description of both builds in Split Screen actually so check out his blog too: or direct link here: DiviHere.
After I absorbed the impressive and somewhat inciting exhibit of Artee who has been building since 2007 at New Caerleon, I hopped over to the "Other Side" to see Eupalinos Ugajin's "grace au Soleil" which means what?, "From the Sun".. I guess. I dropped down the entrance hole into a huge surreal sort of playground.There is a lot to see and do in this immersive installation. Enable media for this build. The note card says in part.. 1. A "Table des Captures"
2. "A very expensive machine by which Humanity tries to export Life before it destroys the Planet"
3. I needed a door…
and just behind a
4. "Window wondering where to land"
5. Random images in camera's chamber. Are you the source or one element of the final image?
6. Zoetrope: what will the dancer inside empty or fill tonight? Or maybe those walls are the ones who invent her mouvements ?
7. Will you find the mattress of your dreams flying around with the help of this helmet ?
8. I was told it is on the way to find an "invisible island" but what happened to the passengers ?
9. You just sat on one cube and you are now a Landscape Architect for a few seconds. Are you precise enough to bomb the 1% claiming "This is MY GRASS" below you ?"... and more
In other words it's a playground, ride around, click, check things out and enjoy.
Also check out Eupa's "Some Day My Cow Will Come" at Twofish.
These two latest Split Screen exhibits will run through December 31st at which time other artists will begin building their exhibits. Contact Divi in-world if interested in exhibiting.
Congratulations to Divi and Split Screen for an impressive full first year of amazing exhibits by some of SL's finest artists!
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