This weekend I visited many places. Some of the ongoing events/places I'll show here and I'll do sim explores later. One of my friends, Shield Markus had a party celebrating being together with his gf, Cooky Swindlehurst 20 months in SL, which is quite impressive for SL relationships. They have a beautiful home area, yacht, helecopter, and cool stuff, and the plot next to them is for rent if anyone is interested. Palekaiko rentals...A world that touches your sensual imagination.
The main theme is water features. There are numerous waterfalls, grottos and an active volcano around.
You can check it out here: PalekaikoHere.
I also attended the E&S Burlesque Factory. I have seen the factory girls dance before and it appeals to my artistic side in that the girls wear great costumes (granted some of them usually take most of the costume off) and dance in sets to coordinating music themes. Although there is the tease of the traditional burlesque they rarely get down to less than most the SL bikini type clothes and often much of the costumes stay on. Emotes are cute and it's really a show for most anyone. Multiple shows weekly. Check it out here: EandSBurlesqueFactoryHere.
One of the highlights of my weekends was hitting the grand opening of the Caerleon Museum of Identity. This collaborative show by the Caerleon Artists Coalition on the subject of "The Ambiguity of Identity" opened Saturday and runs through the end of the month. Don't miss this place as it's loaded with great art and builds by some of our fav SL artists. It appeals to the part of me that likes to see and to take SL pics and there are many pose spots with pic props. Interactive-Yay! Check it out here: CaerleonDirectLinkHere.
Then just for fun this past week I went into InWorldz, a virtual world similar to SL, but not as developed. Look me up if you drop in there, as I go by the same name. Here is a pic of my av there: InWorldzHere.
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