Sunday at 12 noon SLT Mal Burns/malburns writer and Saffia Widdershins hosted the week in review show and guests this week included Honour McMillian, Victor1st Mornington/Vic, and Jayjay Zifanwe. Be sure to check out one of the shows inworld on stream
or copies on Youtube
The intial topic was the One Billion Rising event that will be held to raise awareness. This will be held on Valentines day Thursday Feburary 14. It's based on V day, as there is emphasis on Valentines day with all the Valentines Day events going on but at the same time all this violence towards women going on. RL information here:
One out of every 3 women in the world will experience violence during her lifetime which totals more than one billion. Women, and the men who love them, will participate will walk away from their homes, businesses and jobs on Valentine’s Day and join together to dance in a show of collective strength.
One Billion Rising in Second Life is an officially registered event associated with the real live movement. 24 hours, 24 performers and 24 artists on 4 sims. The 24 hour event will have a host 24 performers and 24 artists including some well known such as Bryn Oh, Gracie Kendal, Maloe and Capcat and some not so well known will exhibit art. The event will be held on a 4 sim area. There will be a open house midnight to about 1pm Wednesday for bloggers and media and people wanting a sneak peek. Then Wednesday about 1pm they close to check and review everything and will reopen Thursday for the 24 hour event. They described the 200m (on a side) stage as like a stadium without seats, and repeatedly said it is a very large build. The 4 sims can hold 50 avatars at a time per sim for a total of 200 dancers. By Tuesday there will be a complete list of artists and musician available. The 11pm Thursday SLT finale will be Noma Falta at the end of the 24 hour period. They will also be livestreaming for the 24 hours on Mal's stream.
The stage was described as being on all 4 sims and is a very very large cylinder cut into 4 pizza like slices pieces that will cut back on lag and sim crashes. They said is is like 140 m diameter suspended above the ground with water below for mermaids and others to dance in as well. It's somewhat similar to the millennium dome structure. Apparently is has a bit of a steampunk look or "over- engineered Victorian" as one of them said. In the very center circle is the dj platform and on each of 4 sims they will have dance balls, etc. They gave a big thanks to Boris Linden for changing one of the sims to a new server as one previously seemed to be having some odd glitches. So everything should go smoothly. Here is their promo dance video:
Then Jayjay spoke a bit about the next UWA challenge with the theme of "Reflections" Feb 1 through May 31. It is in recognition of the centenary of the UWA. 2012 held their first centenary recognition of their first staff being of hired and this year is of the first students studying at UWA. The art challenge has already kicked off., has a 580,000 L prize pool and the works can be 150 prim max and submitted any time now. More info can be found on the UWA web site and the contest closes on 30th of May. The machiima challenge launches on March 1, with prizes tba of about 800,000 linden but sponsors are still coming in. He projected it could rise to a million L for that contest alone. There will also be a special prize for a machinima that features one of the art works. They have a great lineup of judges from all over. Be sure to read all the rules before starting. Jayjay expressed appreciation for the sponsorships and is amazed at how many people wanted to be a part of it. Jayjay said it's been machinima that has broken the barrier for reaching out into the real world.
They also talked about all the LEA events and art which I regularly blog and more specifically the LEA Arts Festival and current events. More info. can be found here:
It was suggested to take the LEA tour bus and to check the calendar for all the special events. Honour spoke about some of the LEA grants. There is a current grant to get a sim for 5 months, but you have to apply by Feb 19th.
Saffia also talked about some literary places and events in SL and I was not quite quick enough to pick up on the details enough to blog that part. But they mentioned the bedtime stories, and Crap Mariner, and some locations. Soffia then also spoke about Designing Worlds and their 3 big articles for the next year, small business, and teaching how to build a home from scratch starting with a basic skybox on to adding a 2nd floor, landscaping etc, and the next part is how to make mesh, what it is, how it works and how to build and texture in mesh. See here: Vic talked more about some major events coming up and his builds. Then they they also referred to a couple of SL blogs that keep coming up: and their things to do in SL of published on Mondays and Weeklyeventssl.blogspot is published on Tuesdays that both provide a good list of weekly events. Honour also talked about plans for SLB10 coming up and a few other thing.
And last but not least I got a shout out in the show a couple of times, lastly for blogging the latest Madpea hunt, Love Potion No. 9.. and the pic of the library.. scroll back for more details and be sure to go to the Madpea web site for tons of fun stuff, explores, hunts and contests they do and they are also having a lot of fun and following on Facebook too.
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