And here is the Linden Lab Blake Sea Code of Conduct and info.:
Sailing through the many Second Life waterways has become a big hobby for many SL residents. Then there are the real die hard sailors. I have several friends who love to sail in SL and even race, but one in particular, August West, who is a racer and official, got me out again to check out how the races have been going lately. It was a beautiful day with blue skys and some fluffy clouds making a great backdrop to the gorgeous sailing vessels that were just starting as I landed on the spectator boat. The boats zipped around super fast and I quickly took a few photos thinking it would be fun to blog this exciting water sport. The regatta was absolutely gorgeous and I could tell the racers really got into it and the competition and camaraderie too. There are big and small races going on around SL numerous times a week. For more information and scheduling check here:
or here for the hotlaps and web page:

Afterward August offered to take me out on a smaller boat to enjoy an afternoon sailing. This man has a bunch of boats to chose from but he picked a sweet one perfect for cruising some scenic areas in SL. He sailed us into a tropical area then stopped in a secluded forested area with a huge beautiful waterfall as backdrop to the jungle canopy we had sailed in under. We stopped to enjoy the area and of course I had to check out the 5 million poses and animations on his boat... and take more pics as always. Apparently the sail boat sales industry is alive and doing well in SL. I had a great time as you can tell from the pics. He's also told me about the SL cruises, which leaves me another adventure to try some time. So if you haven't tried sailing or boating in SL it's definitely time to check it out. If you like a little fun competition and like minded company, check out the racing. It's also a fun way to explore.

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