Visit Sansar Beta here:
I decided to check out Sansar again today for a little while. It's in beta stage so anyone can visit. There are quite a few interesting places to see and many more in progress now. In spite of the fact that I do not have a VR headset, I could still move around and enjoy the place. Graphics and sounds are great. I can't figure out how to change lighting, click on things to sit or dance or anything like that, I couldn't find any other people to chat with, and my av is NOT so hot. But that's beta for you. It's a little hard on my computer too and I could tell it was running hot after a while of exploring. I took many more photos this time in to share and left my av in them for perspective. If you'd like to see them larger just click on them and it will take you to the pic in Flickr where they are big or you can make them bigger. Sansar has a lot to offer but it still has a long way to go to live up to my SL experiences. I think it is getting there though, but I might have to invest in a better computer and VR headset at some point. I won't leave my SL behind though and it looks like LL is still very dedicated to SL too with some upgrades and investments of their own into Second Life so have no fear all you SL die hards.. check out this just in....


Garden of Dreams

A Walk Into Sound:

An Evening at the Ballet

(I cant remember the name of this place but it was cool)

Oyo Lounge

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