Tonight I headed over to Nordan Art at Jorden to see the new Igor Ballyhoo build "MECHANISMUS". Igor is one of my long time fav SL artistic builders of immersive art. His builds are creative and thoughtful as well as aesthetically interesting. I was lucky enough to meet with him there. There is a notecard at the landing of the build which explains things in detail and everyone knows I'm always grateful for the artist's interpretation of their work once I've had a look. But he also provided me a summary for my blog that differs from the detailed sim note on the build.

He explained: "MECHANISMUS is a metaphorical story about symbiosis of human and technology from the beginning of both entities till the present day.
Since the moment when primates grabbed rocks and sticks to fight for their survival till today, both entities grew, one pushing another and being pulled to advance by other one.
Present day is culmination of that symbiosis and it brings merging of this two in to completely new entity, some would say unnatural but… is it?
We all lean on technology so much this days that we would not be able even to survive without it which without doubt proves merging with it to some degree.
Often in talks with other people I sense repulsion and even disgust at idea of us and technology becoming one being and it reminds me how much humans need this “stick to your kind” behavior. I find that way of thinking racist.
Face it, superhuman is coming, like it or not.
Igor Ballyhoo"
I took a few pics but be sure to head over and see for yourself as it's very cool and grab the note as the concept is as interesting as the build. Plus who can resist babies right?

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