The press release states:
"Call for Entries - NSS in SL Lunar Robotics Building Challenge 2013. Humankind first landed on the Moon on July 20, 1969, 20:17:40 UTC (1:17:40pm SL time.) The National Space Society in Second Life will hold our annual commemoration of the First Moon Landing from 1pm to 7pm SL (Pacific) time on July 20 in the contest area at
Prizes will be awarded during the event at 6pm SL (Pacific) time.
Lunar Robotics - Build a piece of robotic equipment that would be useful in a moonbase to advance science, industry, or infrastructure in some innovative way.
Prizes in Linden Dollars:
* L$ 10,000 First Prize - Sponsored by First Responder in SL / Confederated Response Force and by Archivopedia LLC
* L$ 7,500 Second Prize - Sponsored by the National Space Society in Second Life
* L$ 5,000 Third Prize - Sponsored by the Oregon L5 Society in Second Life
* 256 prim equivalent land impact maximum per entry.
* Maximum size 15m x 15m x 15m per entry.
* Scripting is not necessary, but will be considered favorably.
* Mesh and sculpted prims are allowed.
* Efficiency of land impact and script load will be considered favorably.
* All entries must be an original design and each prim be the creation of the participant.
* All entrants must provide a notecard describing the build.
* No weapons or mature themes allowed, and all builds must adhere to the Terms of Service of Second Life at
* We reserve the right to limit the number of entries based on space and sim resources available.
* We require at least one copy of the entry build which will become the property of NSS in SL: unlocked with copy, mod, no trans perms (extra consideration for full perms); full perm copies of all texture files used; and full perm scripts in order to judge suitability, algorithms and efficiency, and to enable customization for our own purposes.
* By entering you will be granting us non-commercial, non-exclusive rights in all of these.
* Decisions of the judges will be final.
To Enter:
* You must request admission to the "NSS Contestants" role in the National Space Society group from either Ariel Miranda or Banker Tomorrow.
* Once you are wearing the "NSS Contestant" group tag go to the contest area:
* Select a numbered building platform that is empty and rez a placeholder on it with your name as creator (a basic prim will do.)
You have until 5 PM SL (Pacific) time on July 20 to complete your build, keeping the above rules in mind.
Additional information on the National Space Society in Second Life:
Please direct any questions or comments to Archivist Llewellyn or Ariel Miranda. (inquire about full perms if that is an issue)
Ad astra via Luna!"
Visit here:
(Archivist Llewellyn)
Archivist showed me the museum and said when people visit the build area they can get a free space suit to wear like the one on display here in the above picture from the museum. When you touch the gloves of the suit it has recording from the mission. There are also recordings from the actual sputnik if you touch it. There is information that tells the story of Apollo 11 from planning to launch, to landing on the moon, to doing science experiments on the moon, planting the flag and talking to President Nixon, to landing in the water, to the NYC ticker tape parade. She added that she's going to be at the Armstrong Museum in RL during the celebration weekend, giving a talk on Curiosity Rover and Mars exploration.
This is an informative and interesting area worthy of a visit and don't forget the contest and events Saturday!
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